Order Status Tracker

Role: Product Designer

Company: TikTok

Year: 2024


In the US and UK markets, users often inquire about “where is my order” and “what can I do with my order” after placing an order, along with CPO entry. This is due to significant issues with the inconsistency, and accuracy of information across the current order status page which needed to be addressed.

Additionally, as the business grows, the complexity of market demands and scenarios that need to be supported by customer-facing communications increases. However, the system’s stability, support, and iterations efficiency are relatively poor.

The previous batch return experiment tailored to UK shoppers encountered several issues. While aiming to streamline returns, it lacked clear, step-by-step instructions for buyers, leading to confusion.

Moreover, the process failed to clarify how additional items could be included, and applying a singular reason for return across all items proved inaccurate, as reasons varied among individual products.

Previous Experience


Develop an order tracker that offers clear guidance to users and enhances after-sales service.

The new horizontal tracker will improve user experience by prominently displaying product and after-sales entrances, making it easier for buyers to manage their orders.

Single Package Scenarios

Single package tracking encompasses orders shipped in one package, including those requiring a signature upon arrival and luxury goods needing extra steps for authentication.

Multiple Package Scenarios

When an order is split into multiple packages due to factors like item availability, size constraints, backorders, or customization, different delivery times can cause confusion. To manage this, offer a single tracking page with clear updates for each package and explain the reasons for the split.

Abnormal Scenarios

Abnormal shipping scenarios, like late delivery and delays, can be caused by carrier issues, high volume during holidays, customs delays, supplier problems, or lost packages. To address these, maintain proactive communication with customers, use robust inventory and IT systems, validate addresses at checkout, build strong supplier relationships, and track shipments closely to keep customers informed and satisfied.


The new version of the improved visibility of function post-purchase entrances making it easy for users to find what they need. This increased user engagement and reduced customer complaints.

Customer Satisfaction: the new horizontal tracker saved space and improved recommendation visibility. As a result, customer satisfaction per capita GMV increased by 16.5%.

Reverse Entrance: the new design improved the reverse entrance display, increasing PV by 7.5%. It made it easier for users to find the reverse entry, resulting in a 2.76% rise in the reverse initiation rate.

Customer Complaints: The new layout resulted in fewer users clicking “consult customer service” (-6.4%), and decreased CPO for both complain (-17.5%) and non-complaint (-4.66%) categories.

DNR (delivery not received): complaints related to “DNR” decreased by 18%.


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