Aftersale Returns

Role: Product Designer

Company: TikTok

Year: 2023 - 2024



Multiple items return options ia baseline experience that is offered by major e-commerce platforms. Until now, the TTS platform has not supported multiple item returns.

Buyers must start separate return processes for each item they want to return from one order. In interviews, over 30% of users who had trouble returning items tried to return multiple items together in one package. This caused other return requests in the same order to fail because those items weren't included.

Previous Experience

The previous batch return experiment tailored to UK shoppers encountered several issues. While aiming to streamline returns, it lacked clear, step-by-step instructions for buyers, leading to confusion.

Moreover, the process failed to clarify how additional items could be included, and applying a singular reason for return across all items proved inaccurate, as reasons varied among individual products.


Phase 1: Batch Return - make it easier for buyers to return multiple items at once for after-sales service.

Buyers can request bulk returns and send everything back in one package. This reduces the churn for buyers, enabling them to initiate and return multiple items in same package. This also improves efficiency for sellers when processing multiple items.

Phase 2: Replacement

Problem: We currently do not provide an option to replace missing or damaged items in an order.
Solution: Offer buyers the choice to replace an item in situations where the package is either missing or has been damaged during the delivery process. This ensures that our customers can receive the products they ordered in good condition and without any undue inconvenience.

Phase 3: Exchanges

Problem: Returns of clothing items account for up to 25% of all returns, often due to issues related to sizing and other specifications. However, buyers do not currently have the option to exchange their items for different sizes, colors, or variations.
Solution: Offer buyers the convenient option to exchange an item in situations where they encounter issues with the size, color, or other specifications. Designed to ensure that our customers are satisfied with their purchases and can easily make adjustments if they receive an item that doesn't meet their specific preferences or requirements.


Launched the after-sale batch return and replacement features, which led to a significant improvement in overall after-sale customer satisfaction. Metrics for multiple refunds and related experiences also showed better performance.

Multi-return: Aftersale customer satisfaction improved overall by 2.93% (from 73.08% to 76.01%)

Multi-refund: Customer satisfaction for return-only increased by 4.14% (from 57.19% to 61.33%)

Replacement: Achieved a 77% Customer satisfaction, a 15% increase over the refund only.

Next Steps: Create an exchange process that includes a return followed by a new transaction


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