VR Museum Game

Role: Product Designer

Company: Wells Fargo Innovation Group

Year: 2016


Wells Fargo has a rich history of using, owning, guarding, and operating the six-horse stagecoach. It has 12 museums across the country that present a unique role. The main goal of the App was to help more people find locations near their area, provide a guided tour, and a fun interactive game. Users can learn and experience the role of gold, banking, communication, and history of traveling by stagecoach in the U.S.

Explore Experience

An interactive museum application that provides users enhanced learning experience through visual content, activities, quizzes, and games. The application uses geo-fences, beacons, augmented reality, and virtual reality to engage users.

Game Experience

The goal of the game is created to teach users about the journey of a gold miner. Users must first collect as much gold then weigh the gold collected to get the value. Once the collected gold value is estimated, the user gets to choose a travel destination to ride the stagecoach. Finally, the user must collect all items identified by the stagecoach and start the journey.



Overall, the experiment of mixed reality was received well by museum App users.  Bringing the physical world with digital assets and content created greater engagement.


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